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Watch our #GirlfriendSuperHero take on the #NoStainChallenge.

Every Girlfriend Needs a SuperHero
Nasty Spill? Girlfriend SuperHero to the Rescue!


Memorial Day is behind us, which means the official season of wearing white is here. But do you shy away from light-colored clothes because you're scared of getting them dirty? If so, fret no more! We've got the perfect white shirt for every non-so-perfect woman — especially those who are a tad clumsy.

Chico's is marketing a classic white shirt that's not only wrinkle-free, but it's also enhanced with Stain Shield®. You read that right. It means your shirt will repel coffee, ketchup and — yes! — even red wine.

Find out more by watching our #GirlfriendSuperHero take on the #NoStainChallenge. And then share with "that friend" who always seems to spill.

Also of note:

Here's your guide to the perfect white shirt.