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Melina Bellows

Melina Bellows's Articles
But while I may not be looked at, I am noticing this.
, May 10, 2024
I felt as if the inside of my head had been spring-cleaned.
, March 12, 2019
As a veteran dieter, I had previously tried everything.
, December 28, 2018
"I feel more alive and the world seems to notice."
, November 13, 2018
The reason for the revolution is simple: You can eat an entire container for a fraction of the calories.
, October 2, 2018
There was just one thing holding me back.
, June 12, 2018
Maybe it's time for you to do the same.
, May 1, 2018
Once I dried my tears, I fled the building in a cloak of numb humiliation.
, April 24, 2018
Sometimes it doesn't take much to remind us that, no matter what, we'll always be there for each other.
, April 17, 2018
As I sat there — literally in the gutter — it occurred to me that I’d been stripped of everything that once defined and empowered me.
, April 10, 2018