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Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Jennifer Rainey Marquez

Jennifer Rainey Marquez has been a staff editor at Atlanta magazine, O: The Oprah Magazine, Parade magazine, and Women's Health magazine. Her writing has appeared in numerous outlets including, Garden & Gun, Good Housekeeping,, and Southbound. She lives in Atlanta with her husband and two daughters.
Jennifer Rainey Marquez's Articles
5 dietary changes that can help you feel better and stay healthier, starting now.
, June 8, 2021
Do those bristles really get rid of cellulite and clear away toxins?
October 26, 2020
Finally! A few that really seem to work!
, September 22, 2020
Everything you need to know about growing a successful herb garden.
, July 21, 2020
It’s not just your imagination — perimenopause symptoms really are worse in the summer. Here’s the best way to cope.
, July 14, 2020
Even in this time of extreme COVID-19-related stress and uncertainty.
, April 16, 2020
The advice every couple needs to hear.
, September 17, 2019
And yet half of women will deal with it at some point in their lives.
, August 13, 2019
Consider it a form of #selfcare.
, June 25, 2019
Be aware of these big red flags.
, April 30, 2019