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2 Things I Started In My 40s That Give Me More Energy Than Ever

I get more done in a day now than I did in my 20s!

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illustration_of_woman_working_out_and_balancing_healthy_food_by_Madeline McMahon_1280x704
Madeline McMahon
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If you thought your energy levels peaked as a teenager or in your 20s, you may be wrong. I used to believe that, but I’m pleasantly surprised that at 47, I have more energy than ever.

I get more done in a day now than I did in my 20s. Also, I no longer experience that afternoon crash that used to hit me around 3 p.m. and make the rest of my day seem as though I was clawing myself out of quicksand.

It has nothing to do with sleep. In fact, I get less sleep now than I did in my 20s and 30s. But my quality of sleep is better.

I kind of found my cure by mistake. A few years ago, I changed two things and now I’m bursting with energy (most days).

First, I added more protein to my diet. I was talking with a nutrition coach who asked me how much protein I was getting. Now, I’m not someone who tracks my food. And I don’t like weighing myself or counting calories. I was also a bit smug and figured that because I ate lots of meat, fish and nut butter, I was probably hitting my protein targets.

But I was way off. I wasn’t even getting half of what I needed.

According to Harvard Health, “The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is a modest 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. The RDA is the amount of a nutrient you need to meet your basic nutritional requirements. In a sense, it’s the minimum amount you need to keep from getting sick — not the specific amount you are supposed to eat every day.”

You can check out this online calculator to determine how much protein you need per day depending on how active you are.

At first, I felt a bit overwhelmed, but then I found that with just a few tweaks, I was able to hit my goal every day, and now it’s become a habit.

My grocery list now includes things like protein powder to add to the morning smoothie I was already making for myself. I’ve added foods such as fish, Greek yogurt and lean meat that are loaded with protein. Keeping them on hand makes it easy to get your protein in.

And the best thing about eating more protein is you are fuller throughout the day.

I don’t grab things like bread, pasta or crackers, because the protein keeps those cravings away without leaving me feeling deprived, and my afternoon crashes have vanished.

The second thing I did was lift weights. I’ve always loved fitness and have done my share of cardio, but I wasn’t lifting a lot of weights. After adding in a half hour of weightlifting, six days a week, I noticed another bump in my energy level.

Lifting weights has been proven to boost metabolism. The afterburn keeps your metabolism elevated for up to 38 hours after a session, according to the San Diego Tribune.

Protein and lifting weights go hand in hand. I have more muscle tone at 47 than I’ve ever had before. When I do my weight session, the half-hour flies by, and then I’m done. Just buy a set of weights and exercise at home — no gym membership required. And you don’t have to lift superheavy weights to reap the benefits. You can start with a weight that you can lift 10 to 15 times with proper form, according to Healthline.

I know that for me, these two changes have kept me more focused and motivated. I certainly don’t miss that tired, groggy feeling I used to have. Hopefully these two tweaks will help you, as well.

What do you do when you feel a mid-afternoon slump? Is there something that gives you more energy? Let us know in the comments below.

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