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3 Benefits To Getting Annual Eye Exams

And a special lens offer just for you!

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Courtesy Visionworks
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Eating well, getting regular exercise, and going for an annual checkup with a primary care physician are all essential for self-care. How about a yearly eye exam? If you’re over 40, and that’s not part of your regular routine, it’s time. Otherwise, you’re missing out on a vital piece of the health puzzle.  

Once you reach 40, you may start to notice it getting harder to read books, menus, cooking instructions, or medicine labels. Maybe you’ve compensated by increasing the font size on your phone? Actually, this condition – known as presbyopia – is easily corrected with glasses or contacts. This is just one reason to get an eye exam, though. Here are a few more. 

1. To monitor and detect eye conditions 
Our eyes are the window to the world, so we want to do all we can to protect our vision. Your eye doctor can monitor and detect common eye conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and macular degeneration. You may not experience symptoms with these conditions, so they can go undetected for a long time. Delaying diagnosis can be dangerous for your eye health.  

Your eye doctor will also look for signs of diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. If there’s cause for concern, you’ll have the information you need to bring to your general physician for further treatment and preventive care.  

2. To treat annoying, but not urgent, eye issues 
It’s hard to ignore allergy irritation (hello, pollen season!), dryness, itchiness, and other uncomfortable eye conditions. You may have trouble seeing at night while driving, or notice the strain on your eyes after a lot of time in front of a computer screen.  

These symptoms aren’t urgent, but you should definitely mention them to your eye doctor at an exam. They can recommend treatment options including eye drops, allergy medication, and special eyewear, like blue light glasses for screen relief and antireflective lenses for nighttime driving. 

3. To get personalized treatment 
During an annual eye exam, all eyes are on you. The doctor can focus on your particular needs and provide personalized treatment solutions. If you’re getting glasses, you can spend time after the exam trying on a variety of frames until you find the perfect look. Unlike shopping online, you’ll have an expert’s undivided attention and can ask questions in real time.  

Making time for your annual eye exam is vital for your health and comfort. It’s easy to find a Visionworks location near you, and even book an appointment online. Visionworks makes safety a top priority at all its locations, so you can feel comfortable knowing there are enhanced safety protocols and cleaning procedures in place.  

Special offer! Get 2 pairs of progressive lens glasses from Visionworks for just $99. Click here for coupon.