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The Motivation You Need To Get Mobile

Oh, have we got a treat for you!!

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Boyoun Kim
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The science doesn’t lie. Exercise is good for your heart, your brain and your emotional wellbeing. And as we get older, it becomes even more imperative to keep our bodies moving. For those who make fitness a priority in their lives, bravo, keep at it. And for those who need the motivation to get mobile, there’s no time like the month of April to become part of AARP Rewards to help you break in a new habit.

Why, you ask? Well, go with us here. “April” is derived from the Latin word aperit which means "to open," like when the trees and flowers begin to bloom and the desire to escape from interior confines into wide-open outdoor spaces grows with each warming day. Which makes this month the perfect time to open yourself up to a manageable, regular, and more importantly, inspired fitness routine. But if it’s motivation you are missing to jump start your fitness goals, AARP Rewards has just what you need to move you in the right direction. That’s because no matter where you are in your fitness journey, AARP Rewards has your back (and the rest of your body) with plenty of ways to support your success, including:

  • The ability to sync a fitness tracker that can earn you daily fitness points and weekly bonus points for hitting achievable milestones. Learn more >
  • Tons of great content, including fitness inspired quizzes and videos that will earn you points every time you engage. Learn more
  • Opportunities to redeem the points you earn for fitness inspired rewards. Learn more >

The U.S. Department of Health suggests that adults 50-plus should set a goal of moving 150 minutes per week and strength training twice a week. But if that sounds daunting, you should know that Harvard University researchers recently noted that as little as 15 minutes of physical activity a day can boost your life span by three years. Whatever time you commit to, it’s important to keep in mind that your 50-plus body has different needs and limitations than its younger self. Don’t let that stop you ... use it as a motivational tool to keep your body safe, strong and spirited for years to come. For more where this came from, become part of AARP’s loyalty program that celebrates your life well played. Earn 50% more points on activities and access to members-only offers as an AARP member.