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Zulema's Story: "God Had Something Else In His Plans"

In 2013, Zulema got married at age 40 to the man of her dreams. Within a year, she had a hysterectomy due to previous health concerns. Four months later, doctors discovered a tumor and she was diagnosed with having a very rare cancer.

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AARP, the Girlfriend, True STory, True confessions, Zuelema
Sasha Nialla
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In 2013, Zulema got married at the age of 40 to the man of her dreams. Within a year, she had a breast reconstruction and a hysterectomy due to previous health issues. After all that, she thought, "Finally, I can live my life and conquer the world." But four months later, doctors discovered a tumor and she was diagnosed with having a very rare cancer. "God had something else in his plans," she said.

Zulema now takes about 20 to 30 medicines a day. "People who look at me don't know how sick I am," she said.

Instead of giving up, she learned how to take control of her health, and to stand up for herself.

Watch Zulema's story on The Girlfriend.