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13 Amazingly Useful Household Hacks That Can Improve Your Life. Really!

You're going to want to bookmark this page because these are solutions you are sure to need.

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Chloe Batchelor
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Whether you are a homeowner or an apartment renter, it seems like there’s always work to be done on the home front. Declutter here, fix a lightbulb there … so much to do, so little time. But what if I told you I have collected and tried some of the best time-saving tips that you are sure to need at some point? You’d keep reading, right? Go ahead and bookmark this page because these are solutions you are sure to need:

Use a simple garbage bag hack.

Apparently, there is a right way and a wrong way to put a garbage bag in your garbage can. And chances are that you have been doing it the wrong way all along. Here’s the right way: Open the bag. There is no need to shake it open to let it expand either. Place the open, drawstring side of the bag over the rim of your garbage can (as if it is a hat) and simply push the bag down inside of the can. It doesn’t seem as if it would make life easier, but I promise you, somehow it does.

Slice the perfect avocado.

Ever wish you could slice your avocados into perfectly proportioned cubes instead of the whole mashed and messy method? Well, if you have a cooling rack, then you’re in luck! Slice the avocado in half, remove the pit and scoop each half out of the skin. Next put a cooling rack over an empty bowl and place the avocado halves on the rack. Press the avocado through the rack with your palm and voilà— restaurant-quality cubed avocados!

De-clog any drain.

I once dated a plumber who scolded me for my overuse of Drano. Apparently, it’s damaging to pipes and a major plumbing no-no, but it works so darn well. So, what’s a woman with hair in the drain to do? Coffee grounds, my friends. Mix them up with a little dish soap, put the mixture in your clogged drain and pour some boiling hot water over it. Clog free and plumber approved!

Say goodbye to mice.

I have an unrealistic fear (and disgust) of mice. They haunt my dreams, and if I hear one or see one (or its droppings), my home is no longer what I like to call a safe place. I have tried everything to get rid of the pests: peppermint oil on cotton balls, kitty litter, sound repellents and every trap ever made — to no avail. I even resorted to screaming, “you are not welcome here, please leave,” because someone on the internet said it worked for her. Then my mom, God bless her, sent me Tougher than Tom Mice Eliminator Pouches, which have a special formula of natural ingredients and essential oils. I placed them around the house, and I haven’t heard or seen evidence of a mouse since. Home sweet home thanks to Tom! Others swear by good old-fashioned snap traps, but I just can’t handle that cleanup.

Clean your dirtiest pans.

Good ole Brillo and a little elbow grease have been my go-to recipe for cleaning the bottom of grimy, dirty or burnt pans. But my upgraded method is much better. Fill the dirty pan with hot water, a little dish soap and — wait for it — a few dryer sheets. Let the pan sit for about an hour, then wipe it clean with ease! 

Clean your blender quickly.

This one seems like common sense, yet it never occurred to me. To wash your blender, fill it with hot water and some dish soap, pop the top on it and run it for one or two minutes. Finish by rinsing it clean.

Stop hiccups.

This is more of a human hack, but it never fails, so I must share. When the hiccups strike, take a napkin or paper towel, and place it over a cup filled with water or a drink of your choice. Swallow a big gulp through the napkin or paper towel and the hiccups will disappear!

Remove ink stains.

I’ve got two great options for getting rid of ink stains. Pen and marker are easily removed from hard services and skin with hair spray and some aggressive scrubbing. Permanent marker on your furniture or beige carpet? Reach for a bottle of sunscreen, rub it into the stain, scrub and watch it disappear.

Corral hair bands.

Tired of seeing hair bands in every nook and cranny of your house? Grab an empty toilet paper roll and stash your hair ties conveniently around it; store it in a bathroom drawer so you never have to look for a ponytail holder on the floor or a doorknob again.  

Make mess-free pancakes.

Clean out an empty ketchup bottle and fill it with pancake batter. You can easily and neatly squeeze the batter into the pan for perfect pancakes!

Discard eggshells easily.

Add one teaspoon of baking soda to the water when you hard-boil eggs. The shell will slide off effortlessly.

Keep your pets off the furniture.

If your cat just loves scratching the corner of your living room couch, consider wrapping it in aluminum foil. Most pets won’t like the sound or the feel of their paws on the foil, so you can quickly train them to stay off counters and furniture.

Organize your sheets.

Fold your sheets (good luck with that fitted one!) and neatly place them inside the matching pillowcase for easy storage. Your sets will stay together in the linen closet; if you can’t fold a fitted sheet, you can just kind of stuff it in there like I do.

Like a hack? Snap a picture of it on your phone so you don’t forget it. And please, if you have a good hack, share it with your girlfriends. We need all the help we can get!

Do you have a hack you can share with the rest of us? Let us know in the comments below!

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