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8 Fast Fixes For End-of-Summer Beauty Bummers

You had the time of your life, and it shows.

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Young Woman Floating In Big Swimming Pool On Inflatable Donut
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You swam in the ocean, you bathed in the sun (hopefully wearing sunscreen), you played in the pool. You had the time of your life, and it shows. The salt, the sweat and the sun have probably taken a toll on your skin and hair, but you shouldn’t regret a second of your summer fun, as there are some simple steps you can take to restore your bod — stat.

Dry lips. Wind and sunburned lips are common by the end of the summer, says Lauren Fink, esthetician at Spa Pechanga in Temecula, California. Try using some turbinado honey mixed with sugar to lightly exfoliate, which may work way better than lip balm, Fink says. “Your lips will look full and supple,” she added.

Clogged pores. We typically sweat more in the summer, which leads to clogged pores by fall. That’s why you should start exfoliating. “Try looking for a light exfoliant with glycolic or salicylic acid in it,” Fink says. “These ingredients will help clear the bacteria.”

Sweat-related breakout. Since your skin is a major detoxifying organ, breakouts can occur when toxins from your sweat become trapped in your skin. Avoid wearing heavy makeup when exercising or when you’re in the sun — and post-sun, wash your face with a gentle cleanser immediately. Makeup wipes are super convenient for this purpose, says Jordan LaFragola, owner and founder of Flora Mirabilis Face Oil. Also try to avoid touching your face when it’s sweaty, as your skin is more susceptible to bacteria from your hands if you’re sweaty, LaFragola says.

Sunspots. These usually occur when you forget to reapply sunscreen. To fix this, try using aloe vera, Fink says. The aloesin and aloin are the active elements of aloe vera that help lighten spots. If this doesn’t work, opt for an over-the-counter cream that contains glycolic acid and hydroxy acid.

Aged skin. The sun does a number on your skin. To keep a bright and radiant look, you’ll need a gentle and consistent skin care regimen, says Viseslav Tonkovic-Capin, a dermatologist based in Kansas. Tonkovic-Capin suggests twice-daily gentle skin cleansing with any milk skin cleanser, ideally in the form of moist cleansing pads, which are convenient and easy to use. “I recommend pads over washes because pads have a mild exfoliative effect, and improve skin circulation due to mechanical friction and massage,” Tonkovic-Capin says. “Any pads with glycolic or salicylic acid — for skin prone to acne — would do.”

Pool hair. The first step is the removal of chlorine using special shampoos or home remedies such as apple cider vinegar or baking soda, Tonkovic-Capin says. Then, nourish your hair with your favorite hair mask and conditioner for dry or damaged hair. For blond hair, violet shampoos can help pull the green-tint out and make your hair glow again, Tonkovic-Capin says. Use serums or protectants before heat styling, and never forget a wet brush.

Acne. The sun actually decreases your body’s immune system, so while your acne may appear to improve after a day at the beach, it’s actually just temporarily muted. This causes a worse breakout a few days after you spent time in the sun, Tonkovic-Capin says. “The easiest fix is to use a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid wash to the area,” Tonkovic-Capin says. “You can also carry gentle wipes with you for after swimming or exercising to reduce sweat and bacteria exposure throughout the day.”

Chlorine and sun-exposed hair. During the summer, your hair gets super dry because of summer sun exposure along with chlorine from the pool. After swimming, you should rinse your hair with warm water and immediately follow it with a cold water rinse. “I love this method because when you wet your hair, you open your pores, and by applying extremely cold water, you shut them,” says Desreta Jackson, natural hair expert and author of The Black Hair Conspiracy.