All of us on The Girlfriend team hope you are enjoying summer's biggest holiday, what with its crazy but fun cauldron of baseball, parades, family picnics, watermelon-eating contests, awe-inspiring fireworks, and hot dogs sizzling on the grill. We're also taking a break this week to enjoy summer, truly a season to savor. Aren't long weekends spectacular?
For myself, it's a chance to travel from my home in Washington, D.C., to Charleston, S.C., where my middle kid is attending college. Now that my three children are (mostly) grown — and I've had to relinquish the front-and-center position in their lives — even a single weekend with one of them is, well, the absolute best. But The Girlfriend will be back next week with more candid stories and key info about our changing health needs, evolving relationships, work and financial goals, and the latest, hottest trends.
In the meantime, please check out four of our favorite articles below — in case you missed them — to help you celebrate summer in style.
And if you haven't already, join the conversation by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Nothing is off-limits. And keep giving us your feedback at Believe me, we can't do this without you. After all, everybody needs a Girlfriend.
Happy 243rd birthday, America!

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