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Need A BFF? There’s A Friend App For That

You can find pretty much anything online — why not a bestie for life?

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animation of friends hugging and using apps on their phones
Arina Shabanova
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Staying socially active has a huge impact on our health and well-being. But if you’re finding fewer opportunities to make new friends as the kids get older, or your favorite people to hang out with are on Netflix, then it’s time to grab your phone, ladies — local, like-minded girlfriends are only a download away! Yes, here's how to make friends with the help of a friend app.

Actually, here are five apps to help you make friends.

Bumble BFF
Bumble is best known as a dating app, but has since branched out with platforms for career networking and BFF finding. It’s super easy to use. Sign up, fill out what you’re looking for in a friend, then start swiping on profile pics. Left means you don’t think you’ll jive with someone (they’ll never know, don’t worry), swipe up to learn more about a person, or swipe right to connect. You both have to swipe right, which ups the odds you’re simpatico!

Hey! Vina
The app “for women, by women” partnered with Tinder, but is made for platonic friendships. If you both swipe right, you make plans to meet up for coffee, wine or whatever! Quizzes and questions help you narrow down someone you’d like to meet. “Women in 158 countries around the world have met their best friends, travel partners, roommates and bridesmaids — all from a simple right swipe.”

Meet My Dog
This “dog app that makes you social” connects you with local dog lovers, so you can meet up for walks, at dog parks or to discuss pet-friendly places nearby. It’s a location-based app, so you can see on the map where your puppy peeps are and find all the good dog spots. Upload a pic of your pup and a little bit about yourself, and then chat or share pictures with new Fidos and friends!

Here’s an app that helps you find groups of people engaging in activities you enjoy, too. Select your favorite to-dos and interests, and then set your location. Meetup will list nearby events where you can make and “meet up” with new friends. Say you like going to the movies — Meetup might list a local, weekend film group. If you’re into cycling, the app will connect you with events and people to ride with. It’s not just a calendar; you can create a group and invite others to join you or add your name to another group and their plans.

Sometimes we feel the most alone when we’re struggling. The premise of Wisdo is that you can “connect with people who’ve walked your path and share your own helpful advice.” First you select your experience — loneliness, anxiety, building self-esteem, caregiving, motherhood, and more. Then you fill out your personal profile and experiences, so others know what you’re going through. In this safe, private space you are connected with other people who have been where you are. One reviewer called it “a platform for the messy, uncomfortable and embarrassing — this place is full of people radiating positivity just waiting to life you up.” Sounds like an amazing BFF to us.