Have you ever noticed that buying presents for men can be quite the challenge? Women? Heck, you can pick up a dozen roses, a bottle of wine, a gift card for a pedicure or massage, or simply leave us alone for an entire day and we will be happier than a pig-in-mud. But men? Oof. A grill? A tie? A dress shirt? Short of gifting him tickets to a sporting event (and COVID-19 previously has put a hold on that one), it can be a real struggle to find the perfect gift for that special dad on your list. And with Father’s Day fast-approaching, wives, moms and daughters everywhere are on the hunt for the gift that will knock Dad’s socks off.
Well, fear not girlfriends, because I did the digging and asked a variety of men to tell me about the best gift they ever received (for Father’s Day or otherwise) and their answers just may surprise you. So keep reading for some male gift-giving inspiration in their own words. They could have you gushing, too, because it turns out these guys are super appreciative.
Use Your Words
“I’m given a gift or gifts every year and cannot name one, but I have a box full of cards going back years [that I have kept]....so I would say, meaningful or even silly cards.” — Hearon Dickson, 59, Annapolis, Maryland
Be (the) Present
“Hands down. No questions. Top of the list. The best gift I have EVER received is time. It does not matter who does the giving. When a person says they want to spend time with me, I know they are giving me a finite resource…something they can never get back. That person is saying ‘right now, you are more important than money, than any physical gift, than anything else I could give you.’ As a Dad with two adult kids and both parents gone, I realize the true value of time more and more each day.”— Ben Baker, 54, Ashburn, Georgia
Personalize It
“The best gift is an authentic gift that has emotions and memories built in it. I remember how my fiancé got me this caricature set of both of us and (our heads bobble} after mentioning it. She gifted this to me on my birthday and it was just one-of-a-kind. After a hectic day at work, it always makes me smile. Also, my best friend got me this comfortable pair of socks which had the entire eye chart printed on them, as by profession, I am an ophthalmologist. It became a running joke for gifts in our friend group later on.” —Rahil Chaudhary, 30, Delhi, India
Make ‘em Laugh
“The [best] gift is God-given and for me, it’s the gift of humor. Life’s too short to be stressed all of the time. God gave me the gift of humor and I share it with others by looking for amusing things to make them laugh.” — Larry Faber, 51, Glastonbury, Connecticut
Go the Extra Mile
“I've been very lucky and blessed with a great wife, eight great kids, and now 18 grandchildren. [Although I’ve won trips through my sales job] I had not been able to attend the trips I won because every time a trip was scheduled, [my wife] was pregnant! [After missing two trips, my kids] somehow got the number of my boss and asked him if the company could send us on a vacation for free. Because my boss didn't know how to say no, we got a one-week trip to the Bahamas, all-expenses paid. The best part was I didn't have to attend any sales conferences during the trip!” — Tom O’Brien, 72, Webster, New York
Keep it Fun
“I love playing video games in my spare time. It really allows me to escape to my own world and wind down from the stresses of life, especially during this pandemic. But with that being said, I don't really invest too much money in my gaming PC. Most of the stuff I use is really outdated. To my surprise, my wife decided to buy me a new graphics card and mechanical keyboard for my birthday. She's not really into tech and games but she took the time, did her research, and even asked opinions from other people. She left a really sweet note on the packaging saying 'Thank you for working so hard, honey. Now you can play hard too!' It might not seem like a big deal to most people, but to me, it was really special.” — Alex Perkins, 32, Dallas, Texas
So there you have it! It turns out men are quite sentimental, so go ahead and give from the heart. Give a gift that says I love you for you and I appreciate you and you are sure to knock it out of the park this Father’s Day!

Sally Anscombe/Gallery Stock