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By midlife, most women have had many kinds of friendships. Some have come and gone depending on the season we were in, while others faded over time. We've developed a deeper understanding of what is needed for a healthy relationship and eliminated those that weren't good for us. While we've all experienced friendships that utterly failed in painful ways, there are also those tried-and-true girlfriends who have shown up with unexpected acts of kindness, generosity and support. I still recall the most profound ways friends have impacted my life. I’ll never forget those pivotal moments when I felt loved, cared for, seen and supported. There’s nothing more encouraging than having a devoted friend go above and beyond when we need them most.
Here are inspiring stories from women about how their girlfriends showed up for them. If you have a special friendship story, please share it in the comments below.
“After my painful divorce, my best friend planned a girl’s getaway, and she made it all about me. It was the most thoughtful and generous thing she could do, and I felt so loved and supported. It was just what I needed.”
“When my husband had his first open heart surgery, two women from my church traveled to the Cleveland Clinic two hours away and stayed with me the entire day. They didn’t leave my side until my husband was in recovery. I’ll never forget their presence and support on one of the scariest days of my life.”
“When my kids were little, my five-year-old daughter was very sick and suffered from chronic asthmatic attacks. My husband was out of town for work, and she was getting worse, so I called my friend at 3 a.m. sobbing and asked if she could come over to watch my two-year-old son so I could take my daughter to the hospital. She came right away and stayed until later the next day. My daughter had pneumonia. I'm forever grateful my friend showed up for me when I was desperate for help.”
“For my second marriage, we planned a private ceremony with only my fiancé, me, and the chaplain in a private cove near the lake. My girlfriends knew I didn’t want anyone there, so they secretly went to that location early that morning and decorated the shelter with balloons and a banner, leaving a bottle of champagne and glasses and a beautiful card congratulating us. I cry whenever I think of how special they made that day.”
“After I had surgery, I was in a huge leg cast and in so much pain that I couldn’t do much of anything but rest and elevate. My poor husband was trying to manage our young kids while working, and the house was a mess. I complained to my friend about how desperate I felt to clean the house and put some order back in our lives. Later that night, after her long day at work, she showed up at my door with cleaning supplies and cleaned my house. I’ll never forget that she did that for me and my family.”
“In August 2008, I had just had my hysterectomy a week before Hurricane Ike came through, knocking my power out for eight long days. By day four, my friend invited me to her house for a much-needed hot shower. While I was there, she fed me the best grilled cheese sandwich I’d ever had. That long, hot shower, her delicious, simple meal, and her TLC were just what I needed.”
“Two years after moving to a new state, I was planning my wedding and invited some of my closest friends I used to work with before I moved. After so much time and all of them living so far away, I didn’t expect any of them to come. But one beloved friend and her husband sacrificed their time and money to show up and celebrate that special day with me. That was 24 years ago, and I’m still amazed and grateful they did that for me.”
“Several years ago, I remember telling my best friend how we didn’t have enough money for me to buy underwear and socks because the only money we had we would spend on our kids. When my birthday came around, my women’s Bible study group put their money together to give me a Kohl’s gift card, and I know it was my best friend who orchestrated this. It doesn't sound like much, but getting that gift card meant the world to me. I finally could get much-needed underwear and socks!”
“My college girlfriend forgave me for dropping out of school after I agreed to be her roommate our senior year. I was so grateful for her grace and understanding, and we are still the best of friends 35 years later!”
“I was going through a really rough season in my life, and my friend flew across the country to surprise me and celebrate my birthday. It meant so much to me that she would take time out of her busy schedule to show up when I needed a friend.”
“When my second husband died, he didn’t want a funeral or celebration of life. Shortly after he passed away, my water aerobics friends invited me to a luncheon. Little did I know, they planned this event for me to honor the loss of my beloved husband. They made it so special and gifted me a beautiful sculpture of an angel that I still have today.”
What has YOUR best friend done for you? Let us know in the comments below. Give them a shoutout!

Shut Up Claudia
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