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Waxing Nostalgic — Women Share 'Down There' Hair Habits

Below-the-belt grooming tips you'll want to try now.

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illustration of 3 women shaving their legs and bikini lines using 3 different methods, shaving, waxing, bikini line
Jade Schulz
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I remember when my mom taught me how to shave with a pink Bic razor and my dad’s shaving cream. “There is no need to go any higher than your knee,” she said. “No one will notice.” As if the act of shaving was for them (whoever they were) and not me!

It didn’t take long for me to realize that I noticed when I didn’t shave above my knees, and I preferred a smooth leg from ankle to hip. I bravely took my pink Bic razor to unchartered territory and was very proud of my smooth thighs. In my mid-20s, I learned I could even clean up my bikini line — or more if I wanted! I felt free! Why hadn’t someone told me about this sooner?

We didn’t talk about pubic hair back then and I felt in the dark about it for a long time. I’m not sure if we talk about it now, but it’s never too late, right? To start the conversation, I reached out to girlfriends far and wide to discuss (dare I say it?) pubic hair. As it turns out, I noticed a powerful trend in these discussions: our attitudes toward hair removal seem to evolve as we grow more confident and comfortable in our skin.

Keep reading for tips, inspiration and a reminder — from women of all ages — that it's your hair, your choice. 

"In my younger years, shaving was my go-to method. It was quick and accessible and I could easily incorporate it into my routine. However, the downsides — like irritation, ingrown hairs and the frequent need for maintenance — soon became apparent. Now in my 40s, my preferred method is laser hair removal. This decision was influenced by the desire for a more permanent solution and the convenience it offers. Laser hair removal has significantly reduced the need for regular maintenance and has provided me with a level of confidence and comfort that other methods did not.” — Mia, 42, Delaware

"Ah, the bikini line! For as long as I can remember, I longed for answers to the question, how can I clean up down there with ease, comfort and success? As a youth, there just wasn’t enough information available to me and I felt like I didn’t know what to do or how to do it! Ultimately, I stumbled across an ex-boyfriend’s three-blade razor in the shower and I never looked back! A little shaving cream or hair conditioner (made from a smooth finish), the perfect men’s razor and a steady hand have been my go-to ever since!" — Mary, 56, Connecticut

“My [preferred] bikini-line grooming method used to be shaving, but it would often cause irritation and Bartholin cysts. I experimented with Brazilian waxing, but it was too expensive for me to maintain. Right now, I am using the Nair hair removal bikini cream. It removes most of the hair and I shave the rest when I'm in the shower. A male friend taught me that letting baby oil soak in before the shaving cream offers a much smoother shave." — Darrelle, 42, California

“When I first started paying attention to that area — it was with a mix of curiosity and a bit of awkwardness. Initially, I was all about shaving. But, goodness, the razor burn and ingrown hairs were a nightmare! I [eventually] transitioned to waxing and that was a game-changer. But here's the twist — during the pandemic, like many, I couldn't visit my regular waxing salon. I had to adapt, and that's when I discovered electric trimmers designed specifically for the bikini area. It was a revelation! No pain, no appointments and it's something I could do quickly at home. The convenience factor won me over, and I haven't gone back to waxing since.” — Doris, 39, California

"In my 30s and 40s, I shaved and waxed but it was too high maintenance and painful for me. I decided to go natural and stopped shaving my bikini line altogether about eight years ago and I have no regrets. I do trim it now and then, but that’s it. Pubic hair does have a purpose — it protects against infection, so why remove it? I always wear bathing suit skirts at the beach and keep myself covered and private and my husband loves my natural look so it’s a win-win for us.” — Deb, 57, Massachusetts

"I got my first Brazilian wax before my wedding as a surprise for my husband and yes, he loved it! Me? Not so much. It was painful and awkward and I wasn’t sure I could ever do it again. But now and then, when I want to surprise my husband and treat myself, I head out to my favorite restaurant and have dinner alone at the bar. I treat myself to a martini or two and follow it up with a pedicure and Brazilian wax at the spa next door. The martinis help ease the discomfort of the waxing and I return home to my husband relaxed and waxed. What starts as a party of one ends as a party of two.” — Allison, 52, Connecticut

"My [preferred] bikini-line grooming method used to be shaving, but it would often cause irritation and Bartholin cysts. I experimented with Brazilian waxing, but it was too expensive for me to maintain. Right now, I am using the Nair hair removal bikini cream. It removes most of the hair and I shave the rest when I'm in the shower. A male friend taught me that letting baby oil soak in before the shaving cream offers a much smoother shave." — Darrelle, 42, California

Do any of you regularly get a Brazilian wax? Let us know in the comments below.

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