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24 Self-Care Tips You Haven't Heard A Million Times Before

Middle-aged women share their favorite ways to pamper themselves.

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Women work hard in every area of their lives. We are all exhausted and overwhelmed with managing busy schedules while often caring for everyone else. We rarely take time to pamper ourselves by indulging in much-needed self-care because we put other priorities first while our needs fall to the bottom of the list.

During these midlife years, we experience significant life transitions, develop medical conditions, and deal with growing financial concerns. Many women work stressful jobs while raising kids and caring for aging parents. Others endure the trauma of divorce, losing a loved one or spouse, an empty nest, and loneliness. Whatever the challenges, we all feel the strain of the heavy weight we are carrying, and we deserve some serious self-pampering.

If you’re stuck in a rut and need new ideas to help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, here are some unique, effective and fun ways other women take care of themselves.

"I always have clean, crisp sheets — 100 percent cotton with ridiculous thread counts. I rotate mine every three days because there is NOTHING like climbing into a freshly made bed at night."

"Cheese. I love cheese, so I go to Wegmans and treat myself to fancy cheese to snack on. It’s my favorite indulgence."

"Cleaning out my house is so cathartic for me. I love eliminating the excess by donating, recycling or throwing it in the trash."

"I take a weekly yoga class, then eat at one of my favorite restaurants. It’s my reward after a long week at work."

"I make my favorite coffee drink and bake homemade cookies while watching a Hallmark movie."

"I love working on 1,000-piece puzzles. Since the pandemic, I’ve done 82 at my kitchen table. It relaxes me, and I always feel so good when I finish one!"

"I go thrifting all by myself. I love finding great deals on clothes and little treasures for my home. It’s fun and relaxing and takes my mind off my worries."

"I buy myself fresh flowers to enjoy all week long. It’s an indulgence I genuinely enjoy just for me."

"I grab my favorite junk food, crawl in bed and read ANY Robert Fulghum book from my collection. His simple, funny, and inspiring writing always makes me feel good."

"I vacuum up crumbs and dog hairs in my house. I also like to rake leaves or shovel snow. There’s something so therapeutic and gratifying about physically cleaning the ground I walk on."

"I drive to my favorite local park and find a spot to set up my chair and sit and read for hours. Being outside somewhere beautiful while doing one of my favorite things is relaxing!"

"I eat my favorite comfort food and watch nostalgic shows from my childhood. ‘Bewitched, ‘The Love Boat,’ ‘The Addams Family’ and ‘The Price Is Right’ reruns from the 1970s are some of my favorites."

"I have my husband brush my hair. It feels sooo good. Through the years, I’ve trained him how to do it perfectly."

"I go through my closet and find different clothes I haven’t worn in a long time and try them all on. I rarely dress up, so it’s fun to put together new outfits I hadn’t thought to wear before. I also like to clean out the clothes that don’t fit or that I don’t like anymore. I can spend hours doing this, and it’s always fun to play “dress up” on my own."

"I look at old photo albums of my kids when they were little. I love revisiting those younger years and seeing all the memories I hold dear to my heart. It just makes me happy."

"I write poetry. I never share it with anyone else because I’m not very good at writing, but it helps me feel inspired and creative."

"I spend about 20 minutes every day stretching. The older I get, the more my body feels stiff and aches. I take the time to do my routine, and it always helps."

"I splurge on fancy lingerie. I do this for myself because aside from my everyday worn-out bras and undies, I love to have a few sexy undergarments to wear when I want to feel beautiful."

"I love writing little notes to people I love. This might not seem like I’m pampering myself, but it makes me feel good to encourage people. It fills me up emotionally."

"I do a colon cleanse. I know this doesn’t sound very pamper-like, but I struggle with constipation, so getting it all out feels terrific!"

"I started sunbathing topless in our completely private backyard. If you haven't tried it, it will make you feel like a giggling 15-year-old again."

"GOING ON A GIRL’S TRIP. I am doing one this weekend. I always laugh so hard and have the best time with my girlfriends."

"I binge ‘The Office.’ I re-read books that I already know the ending to. I cuddle my pup and eat lots of mashed potatoes with a ton of butter."

"One of my favorite things that my therapist asked me to do when I’m having a hard day was to make everything softer around me. I wear softer clothes. Put on an oversized sweatshirt and wear loose pants. I grab a fluffy pillow to rest my back against in my work chair and play soft music."

What do YOU do when you really want to pamper yourself? Let us know in the comments below.

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