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It's A 'Happiness' Contest From The Girlfriend

Win big money just by telling us what makes you happy!

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illustration gif of women doing activities that bring happiness
Steph Ramplin
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When asked to define happiness, most people find themselves at least momentarily tongue-tied. We all want to be happy but it's subjective. Plus, what makes us happy undoubtedly changes as we grow older. In June and July, AARP will be focused on this theme: Happiness: Purpose, People & Play. In other words, we aim to shine a light on what makes a person happy and to give you some tools to help you become a happier human.

And that's why we're launching this contest. To enter, describe to us in 300 words or less how you have found real happiness through either purpose, people or play. Maybe you've found purpose by volunteering. Maybe you've found happiness through a certain relationship. Maybe you've found happiness by joining a pickleball team. Whatever it is, we want to hear from you!

Email your essay to between Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 12:01 a.m. ET and Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET, and make sure to put “Happiness essay” in the subject line. You can also upload a royalty-free photo if you'd like to help illustrate your essay that AARP has permission to republish.

By approximately May 15, we’ll select three winners. Essays will be judged on (1) storytelling style (up to 33 points), (2) fresh point of view (up to 33 points) and (3) originality (up to 33 points). Each Selected Winner will receive prizes as follows. The Grand Prize Winner will receive a Visa gift card in the amount of $500. The Second Prize winner will receive a Visa gift card in the amount of $400. The Third Prize Winner will receive a Visa gift card in the amount of $300.

In order to be eligible to win, an entrant must be a confirmed Girlfriend newsletter subscriber. By submitting an email address, entrants will be signing up to receive the weekly Girlfriend newsletter. Entrants are responsible for determining the appropriate beginning and ending times in their respective time zones. Upon submission of the essay, each entrant will be entered into the Prize Contest. Only one (1) entry (nomination) per individual.

To see the official rules, go here.