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5 Top Freebie Sites — Just For You!

You can fill your mailbox with loads of free samples (really!).

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Some things in life are free — they’re sample-size products that companies send out to promote their product and garner reviews. They won’t cost you a cent, and at worst you may have to fill out a survey, give a public review, sign up for a newsletter or answer questions about an item you’re sent. Each site has a terms and service page and offers full disclosure about what kind of data they cull. Read it. You have the power to unsubscribe, turn it off or reject all of it. If you proceed, you’ll be treated to a host of new products and possibly some extra junk email. (Psst … create a separate email account just for freebie sites.)

Internet Steals & Deals

Meet “The Freebie Lady,” your freebie fairy godmother, here to help you navigate the unfamiliar world of sample-land. She gives you scam warning signs and goes beyond samples to curating coupons and tips for more frugal living. 

Pinch Me

Love free samples and giving your opinion? Then Pinch Me is for you! Their tagline is “No catch, no credit card required!” You log in, complete your profile and then select monthly samples to review. Recent brands include Olay, Skippy, Moroccan Oil and more. You can control the kind of samples you get based on your diet and interests.

I mean, who doesn’t love free stuff? This site has a blessedly upfront and easy-to-read FAQ section that will answer your questions and possibly allay your fears. You can subscribe to their newsletter for instant and automatic access to their newest samples, but it’s not required. You may ask, What’s the catch? “There isn't one!” according to the site. “To survive, companies have to promote themselves to attract new customers and keep existing ones. Offering freebies and giveaways are an effective way to build strong customer loyalty to their products.”


What’s different about FreeFlys is that instead of having to sign up for the whole caboodle, you can just fill out surveys and forms for the products you’re interested in. You’ll find health and beauty brands you recognize, and you can request only the ones you want. You will need to share basic information (like your address so they know where to mail things) and may have to sign up for a newsletter. You can always unsubscribe if it’s not to your liking.

The folks at scour the internet for samples, steals and deals, and then provide links to them in three different tiers based on the level of effort and info required to score them. The site isn’t the one mailing the freebies. They just consolidate and organize them and send you on your way to each specific vendor. There’s definitely something for everyone in your family here — human and furry.