The ink is finally dry on your divorce decree. So how do you handle your social media status after a split? We asked Girlfriend readers for their advice, and here’s what they had to say.
Lynette B: Removed pictures of him, unfriended him and his family, and changed status to separated. Can't wait to change status to either divorced or single! I was married for 24 yrs and as much as I love his family I had to unfriend them on FB because it was just too hard to see all the family events and things going on and know that I was no longer a part of it.
Kelly A: I would suggest deleting your original profile and making a new one with you as a single — I can say there was nothing worse that seeing my date's profile with pics of him and his former wife. Painful and not necessary.
Deborah P: I removed the pics and changed my last name to my maiden name. I didn't feel like I needed to start over with a new FB. That would create more conversation than what I wanted.
Randi D: Removed any pics w/ him, changed status to single and proudly posted photo of me practicing my new signature (with maiden name).
Jacqui T: I left the courthouse and went straight to a restaurant I never tried before. Changed my relationship status to single and my last name before finishing my first beer. No need to explain anything to anyone as the folks who really know and care about you are aware of the situation. By the time I got home I had tons of “likes."
Debby S: Don't tear down your memories or the history that made you who you are today, just start new ones. You can announce your new journey or wait for people to notice and inquire, then share privately.
Betty S: I kept all my pics because most of them have our mutual friends in them and just because our marriage failed doesn't mean I want to erase great memories.
Jamie P: My wedding to my EX was the last time my father walked anywhere. After walking me down the aisle and our father-daughter dance he never walked again. So, I don't care who is in those pictures because my Daddy is in them walking with me. So, I leave all the pictures, they were part of my life whether [my ex] is in them or not.
Jaime K: I did post once I had gotten my decree and it was quite liberating and I was surprised how much support I received … Nothing wrong with sharing that. There is no shame in reclaiming your life.
Do Nothing:
Olga F: There really is no need to give an explanation to anyone for your decisions. Those that are dear and close to you will know. As far as pictures, well personally I would save them because they were part of a beautiful story once upon a time.
Danyelle R: Do nothing. The hurt and anger subside, you move on, and eventually value the history that made you who you are today.
Anonymous: I slowly phased him out by making those pics private, then making my relationship status private, and did not post anything about divorce. Everyone close to us knew already. But on FB, I put nothing about it. Nothing. Nada. I took the high road. Then, someone told me he had his relationship status as “widowed.” Wow classy.

Kelsey Dake