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Brahna Yassky

Brahna Yassky is a writer and painter. Her first book, Slow Dancing with Fire: A Memoir, is forthcoming in January 2022. Her essays can be found in The Plentitudes Journal, American Writers Review 2020 San Fedele Press, Salon, The Independent, The Girlfriend, The Ethel and others. Her paintings have been exhibited widely including The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, MOMA, The Hudson River Museum, The Bali Purnati Center. She lives in Brooklyn, NY and Springs, NY.

Brahna's Articles
Nine simple ways to feel truly seen and heard this summer.
, May 8, 2023
And what happens when the muscle memory of your initial wild nights returns.  
, February 4, 2022
Better get busy, ladies!
, May 11, 2021
Doing this during a pandemic is challenging — at best.
, December 28, 2020
The best brands for your money, IMHO.
, August 18, 2020
Here's why that might be a good thing.
, November 19, 2019