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What Middle-Aged Women Love Most About Their Aging Bodies

Maybe you feel the same?

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Brunette, woman, wearing denim shirt, hugging herself, on pink background
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I look in the mirror and see the wrinkles around my knees. I have seen them before, but these days, they are more prominent. I can tell the wrinkles are moving further up and down my legs. I used to cringe in denial and fear when I saw them — it’s normal to feel a little shock and awe when you look in the mirror and don’t recognize your aging reflection. But I am learning that I don’t have to obsess over these changes or even resist them. I might even come to love them one day.

The truth is our bodies are changing constantly from birth through death. Somewhere along the line, someone (read society) decided that certain changes, like growing taller in adolescence and losing weight, were good, and others, like gray hair and wrinkles, were bad. But we don’t have to subscribe to that thinking. We can make the conscious decision to love the skin we’re in — wrinkles, age spots, sagging breasts and all. If you got ’em, you earned ’em, so accept and love your beauty in every droopy, wrinkly body part.

Go ahead and take your inspiration from these women, who share what they love most about their evolving bodies:

My Gray Hair

“I love it! A flash of silver makes me think of myself as Rogue from the X-Men, and who doesn’t want to be a superhero? My mother has always dyed her hair, and I think seeing the effort she put into it made me see the pressure society has put on women, not so much on men, to remain youthful. I’ve always been a rebel, bucking the system, and this is no different! If the decision is between looking youthful forever and living life to the fullest, I choose the latter!” — Julie, 40, Canada.

My Hands

“[I love] my hands, age spots and all. I see my mom, my aunt and my cousin — all in my hands. The hands I held as a child are now mine.” — Cheryl, 63, Illinois.

My Body

“As a 54-year-old woman, I love my body now. It’s given birth to three amazing children, nursed them, survived a bad cycling accident and taught me so much about myself. As a Tantra and Breath Coach, I have learned to see my body through the lens of compassion and love. One of the most powerful practices I learned was [to utilize my] Inner Smile. First, without looking into a mirror, I send a smile to different parts of my body and thank them. Eventually, I was able to do it in front of the mirror. When I see my reflection in a mirror or a window now, I smile and send my thanks automatically, which makes me happy. When I am happy, I accept myself more, especially my aging body.” — Anne, 54, Digital Nomad.

A Shared Journey

“I’m kinder to my body than I used to be and more attentive to its needs, with daily walks, weekly strength training, and eating (mostly) right. I try to make up for the cruelty I imposed on my younger self with encouraging words (a favorite is 'You got this, thighs!'). I thank my body daily for getting me to 63, and I ask it to please keep on keepin’ on — we’re still on this heroine's journey together!” — Margaret, 63, Chicago.

My Aging Skin

“I used to be self-conscious [about my age spots and changing skin], but now I lovingly refer to the splash of sunspots across my forehead as my giraffe or leopard print. The crow’s feet when I smile and the sunspots show that I have LIVED and experienced the elements, nature, joy, sorrow, grief and everything this world has to offer. With age comes wisdom, and as I get older, I care less about what my body looks like and am amazed at what it can do (climb mountains, run ultras, etc.).” — Julie, 40, Canada.

My Weight

“I look back to the younger years (when I thought 128 pounds was fat) and shake my head. What was I thinking? Fast forward 35 years and 30 extra pounds and I no longer think I am fat. I think I am strong and healthy. It is no longer about how I look to others or how a pair of jeans fits. I stopped chasing a size or number on the scale a long ago because, my God, is it exhausting! Life, experience and aging have taught me the key to happiness, and it is quite simple: Acceptance and gratitude. I accept my body exactly as it is, and I am grateful for all it has done, can do and (hopefully) will do in the future.” — Amy, 47, Massachusetts.

“Finally, Acceptance”

“What do I love most about my aging body? That it is done aging, and it probably won’t get any worse!” — Nan, 75, Connecticut.

What do YOU love most about your aging body? Let us know in the comments below.

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