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Emily Listfield

Emily Listfield's Articles
First of all, think MLBB — My Lips But Better.
, September 18, 2018
From top to toes, tighten up.
, June 26, 2018
2 BFFs on how they made it work — and why they fired their husbands.
, June 19, 2018
OTC products that promise real results with fewer side effects.
, June 5, 2018
Depending on whether you want slow, buildable color or all-out Kardashian bronze, here’s what you need to know.
, May 8, 2018
Why I'm completely and utterly obsessed.
, March 27, 2018
Being ambitious is good. Being overly ambitious, not so much.
, January 9, 2018
Advice from a professional tutor you won't get anywhere else.
, October 17, 2017
You'll be turning heads this fall.
, October 3, 2017
A 5-step plan for finding love.
, September 26, 2017